Thursday, January 21, 2010

Business Planning For Success

So does everyone out there with their own internet based business, or home based business have a plan?

Do you know where you will be in 12 months? 5 years?

So many people who go into business go in unprepared and planning is something that is done in the shower in the morning. The simple reality is, planning is vital for any business; small, medium or large. In the day to day organised chaos that is out working life, usually the last thing on out mind is what we need to do tomorrow that will benefit us in a year.

At the very least a plan helps us to refocus and reflect on what we have done well and what we could have done better.

I was talking to an associate a year or so ago who had just developed his own website. He was exhausted having spent many waking hours on building and developing this site, so I asked him. "What now?" His response was now that the hard work was done, he could relax a litle.

Needless to say his business is not longer and he is back selling realestate, his old job. His mistake? He had not planned to do any marketing, or even bothered to research how or who he was going to market to, he had no idea how he would support himself while his business was in the early stages. A fatal mistake.

So do you have a plan? If you do, when was the last time you pulled it out, sat down and read it? If you have no idea what i'm talking about then pop along to for some free advice, tips and a plan template.

Plan today for tomorrow and your business and life will go a whole lot more smoothly!

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